The Bad Girls Club is a reality t.v show where 7 girls from different states come to live in house together with t.v to watch and they are not allowed to bring their own electronics,they come to the bad girls house to fix their problems and change the bad things about themselves so that they can become better people for themselves and those around them;or at least that is what they are suppose to be there for. There are fist fights that happen among the ladies and outside the home with outsiders, bullying is also big in the bad girls house which we have seen a whole lot of on this 11th season of the show. Jumping fellow roomates is not something s=that is new to the show but this season it happened quiet a few times and some much that the producers of the show had to step in on camera and correct the ladies that were doing the jumping. This the cast of this seasons Bad Girls Club but these are not all of the Bad Girls that attended this season. Whe...