Little rock nine

The little rock nine is a story about nine African American children  in the 1950s when times were more than hard for a person who was of African decent in America. African Americans were not allowed to do anything at the same level of  a white person. Blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms,water fountains,restaurants,clothing stores,live in the same neighborhood,and children weren't allowed to attend school with children of the opposite race. The little rocknine children wanted to receive the same eduction given to whites,which as humans was their right,they were ordered and allowed to go to a school only for white children. When the children arrived at the school they saw mobs of white"Christians" yelling,spitting,and being aggressive beyond belief with children. Though the children were very frightened and had a great fear do their lives (due to armed soldiers and a mob of white people blocking them from going in) they did not give up and neither did their families or the many whites who realized how inhuman and outrageous racist whites had become--and to children! The children had it as rough as it could possibly get for any person,let alone a child. The expieeience for the children was horrible,but in the story about their experience they told how the once mean and cruel whites started to actually be half decent to them as time went along. Throughout all that they went through with the mobs only a few whites spoke up against the violence occurring,why? Why didn't a lot more people try to step in and step up to stop wat they knew was wrong and why did so many participate? Often people are afraid to be different and stand up when everyone else is doing something different that it was easier to just go along,but when u look at the bigger picture is it really worth your dignity to not do the right thing by another human which is something that we could use everyday"thinking of others" try it.


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