algebra 2 trig 

         i have never really enjoyed math but in elementry and middle school it wasn't a big problem for me but when i got to high school it got worse. i really really really hate math if i could erase it from school i would,and its like you just cant escape it,its everywhere. in science class it is constantly coming up its such a headache. last year i had to take intergrated algebra over and by the grace i=of god i passed both semester. because i had to take that class last year i didn't get to take trig last year with my peers so this year i have to. i have to say that a big part of why i am failing is because of me not completeing everything that im suppose to its just that im so uninterested there is nothing that i like about it except for my teacher ms.mingo i really like her but i hate the subject that she teaches. i know that i do nee this class to graduate so i am just going to have to buckle down and do the work no matter how difficult or boring or annoying it is. i refuse to not graduate so i will be doing my absolute best to pass this class.


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