Carrie Diaries and Gossip Girl
Sex and the city is one my all time favorite shoes, even though it started when i was one years old and it ended over ten years ago i love the show and it never gets old. I love Carrie of course because we share a passion for fashion ,i also like Miranda and who doesn't love Samantha but Charlotte isn't always my favorite because she is way to conservative for my liking and she can be more than just a little judgemental but without her the show wouldn't be the same.
The Carrie Diaries is t.v show that began like two years ago and it is based on the untold story of grown up Carrie Bradshaw's childhood. Its like the teens of this generation Sex and the City but without the nudity. She is so fabulous and like in Sex and the city her friends are big part of her life and the add the extra drama and spice to Carries life along with her cute boyfriend Sabastian.
I also love how one her friends from the original t.v version is also in the show as well i love this show its just so fabulous. BOTH SEASONS ARE ON NETFLIX GO WATCH!!!
Gossip girl is another t.v show that takes place right here in New York City and its so fabulous. Of course Blair Waldorf is my favorite character and i love her she is so classy and glamorous but you would never guess how willing she is to get her hands dirty to protect her loved ones. Chuck Bass is so fine and he is my favorite boy character on the show(he is then bad boy of the show), Serina Vanderwoodsin is the troubled ,rich ,and popular girl who always finds herself in troubled situations and is always pulled out by her also rich friends including Chuck and Blair along with Dan (her step brother slash boy toy) and Nate Archibald. This show is every teenagers dream and its so interesting and if any boys are reading this it is not just for girls it's a great show !

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