Guess what my Passion is?
PLUS SIZE FASHION is also a passion of mine, the world is starting to open up to plus size fashion and making up to date and modern clothing peices for larger sizes but i feel that plus size fashion needs to be taken just as seriously as regular fashion because it is important and so are plus size women and the clothing that they wear. Fashion has been making my life good and will continue to make it better through the carrer that i will have.
Fashion is my passion, fashion is my life. if there is one thing that i can say that i have been consistently passionate about for many many years is fashion. I fell in love with fashion in elementry school and i picture falling out of love with it ever. I am currently in the process of looking through and applying to colleges that i could go to and even though there are many colleges and schools that are on my list the school that i just keep coming back to is FIT. It is the perfect school for me i know that if i go there that i will learn everything that i need to know about fashion to make my carerr as a wardrobe stylist as successful as possible. Fashion is my life and i know that it is what i want to do with my life and bring it others who need help and be around others that can help me with the ins and outs of fashion.

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