50 Shades of dissapointment

    Everyone was so excited to see the 50 shades of grey movie because the book was so popular all over the world and so many people were saying that it was going to be so good . I have to say that I was disappointed in the movie. The first thing that I really did not like was that the movie was very short it should have been a lot longer. It felt like the movie was very much rushed through. I felt like for such a great story that the movie should have been at least 2 hours and 30 min long. The actress who played the female i feel should have been someone else someone that was a whole lot prettier i don't think that she looked girly enough. I also thought that the actor who played Christan was perfect for the role and had the best look for the role as well.

Image result for 50 shades of grey



  1. I have neither seen the movie or read the book. This review doesn't make me feel like I'm missing much.


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