This semester the 12th grade class has moved on from Government and now we are doing an Economics class. I am enjoying the class so far and I think that it is letting us in on things that we will need to know when we leave highschool. The project that we are doing in the class now is really interesting and it allows us to be very creative and have many different ideas all while learning and planning out a realistic situation that many of us may be in one day,opening a business. For my project I decided to go with opening up a bra store that is not yor typical under wear store. I don't want to tell everything because we still have to present and I want everyone to enjoy my presentation because it is very unique. In Economics we have also been learning the different types of businesses that we can have and also haow much it cost to open these different types of businesses. We have learned about Sole Propitership,Partnership,Corporations and Franchises,for each on we learned the advantages and disadvantages of having them. If i were to go into business I think that I would choose to become apart of a corporation because of the fact that iwouldnt be starting from the bottom and i wouldnt be held responsible finacially if something went wrong with the business.


  1. So you want to have a boss? You wouldn't want to work for yourself?


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